Linux Virtual Private Service
Australia KVM Linux Virtual Private Server
Australia SSD Linux KVM VPS

We provide unmanaged KVM Virtual Private Server.We don't oversell our server by puting lots of customer! You will get dedicated resource and full control of your VPS.

Australia SSD KVM VPS 10xFASTER !

RAM CPU Storage Port Bandwidth DDOS IP OS Location Price
2GB Ram 2xCPU (Shared) 25GB SSD 1Gbps 500GB FREE 1 IP Windows OS Australia $7/month Order Now
4GB Ram 4xCPU (Shared) 50GB SSD 1Gbps 1TB FREE 1 IP Windows OS Australia $14/month Order Now
8GB Ram 4xCPU (Shared) 100GB SSD 1Gbps 2TB FREE 1 IP Windows OS Australia $28/month Order Now

Features Included With Our KVM VPS

We use KVM virtualization technology to deploy our VPS. KVM guarantee's that you are able to use the CPU, ram and disk that you pay for

  • Instant Linux VPS Setup

    Instant Setup

    All VPS are automatically deployed. Order now and your VPS will be deployed in less then 60 seconds !

  • High Powered CPU and Disk

    Intel Xeon CPUs & RAID Disk

    All VPS Nodes are powered by Intel Xeon CPUs with RAID protected storage for maximum performance as well as data redundancy and reliability

  • internet connection

    Premium Bandwidth & Uplink

    Each VPS comes with 1Gbps connection and premium bandwidth providers to ensure the best latency and speeds

VPS Control Panel
Available Windows Operating Systems
Available Linux Operating Systems